A+ CasePrep (com.mycaseprep.apluscaseprep) on Google Play
This app is for aspiring consultants and other candidates, who have to go through a case interview in their job applications. Its primary focus is on interviewer-led or McKinsey-style cases, the solving of which requires an approach different from the one used in more common candidate-led cases. The app includes several practice cases that show in detail how you should think and what you should say during such an interview. It also includes a condensed collection of tips and recommendations, which will make your case practice a bit easier, more focused and much more rewarding. A typical case preparation requires a case practice partner. The advantage of the McKinsey-style case practice is that the bulk of this practice you can do on your own without the assistance of a case partner. McKinsey interviews are very structured and predictable, so that many if not all important skills can be practiced "off-line". Even though this app is geared towards McKinsey-style cases, a lot of the tips inside are sufficiently general and may be useful in other type cases. Of course, as always, all constructive feedback is highly appreciated.