SuperBaby - Growing helper (com.nasthon.superbaby) on Google Play
SuperBaby let you create your baby profile and keep tracking their growth data (Height, Weight and Head Circumstance)1) [WHO Child Growth Standards] - let you check the growth chart (Height, Weight and Head Circumstance) in real time of your baby.2) [Stage Development]-After creating your baby profile, you can keep tracking your baby development in details of "Pregnancy", "Infancy" and "Toddler" stages.3) [Family]-Let mother and father share and manage the same baby profile.4) [Recommend article] - based on your baby age, our system will select popular and suitable articles from our 4k+ article database.5) [Forum] - you can publish or ask questions about "Pregnancy", "IVF", "Prenatal and postnatal care", "Breastfeeding" and "Second-hand market", we hope our mommy community can help you solving your questions!Website: