Hancom Office Netffice 24 (com.netffice.tfoffice) on Google Play
'Hancom Office Netffice 24' is a Office program for 'Netffice 24', Hancom's total cloud service, providing office productivity in the mobile phone. Through a Netffice 24 account, users are able to use not only a premium style editing, but also interlocking a Netffice 24 cloud service, inserting/playing video clips, and transition.* Before executing this App, please install 'Netffice 24' App first.* This App is played without the additional icon, just through Neffice 24 App.* This App is perfectly optimized for a smart phone device and Based on the resolution of a device, UI can be applied in some parts differently. ■ Supported Devices - This App is perfectly optimized for the smart phone device, and others could have some issues due to its feature. - The users of a tablet device are recommended to download Hancom Office Hwp (Netffice 24), Hcell (Netffice 24), Hshow (Netffice 24), Hword (Netffice 24) and PDF Viewer (Netffice 24).■ System Requirements - OS : Android 4.0 or later - Storage : 45.61 MB■ Key Features 1. Hword - Bullets/Numbering - Header/Footer, Footnote/Endnote - Comments - Picture/Shape Effect - Page setup 2. Hcell - Chart effect/properties(Chart type,Chart style, Chart option ,Axes option) - Border/Fill - Cell Format - Shape, Image and Object properties - Conditional format - Freeze panes - Show sheet right-to-left/Show sheet left-to-right - Auto filter - Show all comments/Hide all comments 3. Hshow - Comments - Video/Chart - Slide layout (Comparison/Two Content) - Image style (Reflection/Neon) - Shape properties (line color, shape style) - Ink annotations - Laser pointer■ Supported Formats - Open : txt, rtf, dot, doc, docx, dotx, wbk, hwdt, csv, xls, xlt, xlsm, xltx, xlsx, cell, cbk, pptx, ppt, potx, pot, ppsx, pps, show, sbk - Save : txt, doc, docx, pdf, xls, xlsx, pptx, ppt■ Supported Languages - 77 languagesAmharic, Arabic, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Bengali, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Burmese, Catalan, Chinese(Hongkong), Chinese(Simplified), Chinese(Taiwan), Croatia, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Euskera, Farsi, Finnish, French, Gallego, Georgian, German, Greek, Gujarati, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Kannada, Kazakh, Khmer, Korean, Kurdish, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malay, Malayalam, Marathi, Nepali, Norwegian, Panjabi, Polish, Portuguese, Brazilian Portugese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian(Cyrillic), Sinhala, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Latin , panish, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Tamil, Telugu, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Uzbek, Vietnamese■ Note - When a new document or template are opened and closed forcely, please delete this App, and then recommend to re-install. - When using external SD card, users can only save the document. - After updating App, for the certification, network connection will be necessary.