Beijing - Travel Guide ( on Google Play

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Beijing is one of the most exciting cities in the world right now. From the vast economic boom to the glittering wealth of the nightlife, shopping and restaurant districts – Beijing is a city fast developing a future to match the splendor of its history. Created by locals to make sure you have the most accurate, up-to-date information available, the Advendus Beijing Travel Guide features everything you need to plan your time in the city. With full transport maps, accommodation guides, listings of entertainment, as well as restaurant reviews and shopping guides, this app is your perfect traveling companion. Never get lost: The app also offers route planning, so you can get to your destination with no hassle. Features: - Overview - City & transport map - Hotels - Dining - Entertainment - Shopping - Route planning - HD Photos ⊛⊛⊛⊛⊛ Our Production Team Content Editor: Sai WuDevelopment: Jason Liu, Jessica Wang Graphic Design: Annie Li Testing & Support: Jennifer HanProducer: Terence Lau ⊛⊛⊛⊛⊛ Please understand that this is an ongoing development. If you have found any issues or bugs, please let us know by email, We will solve them with free updates. ____________________________________________________ You should join us on ____________________________________________________ Need a white label app for your business? Or want to talk with us about licensing and advertising opportunities? You should visit