WildGame Talker - Whitetail (com.openairlogic.androidgames.wildgametalkerwhitetail) on Google Play
12 unique Whitetail deer calls made using grunt call and real antlers.These wild game calls can be played simultaneously allowing you to create a more realistic sound sequence. To make a call more dominate or aggressive press it two or more times. This works really good with Sparring and Rattling.Each call has a corresponding Tactics section to help you learn what each means and how often they should be used in the woods.Moon phase data gives you the upper hand on when deer activity may increase. For many years researchers have analyzed the relationship of wildlife changes during different phases of the moon and found an overall increase in activity during a NEW and FULL moon.An important factor in any successful hunt is knowing what call to use during certain times of the year. Use "Calling The Rut" section as a guideline for effectively calling whitetail's during the rut.GPS data allows you to know your location, altitude, speed and direction with accuracy displayed.Designed with hunters in mind!