OTA Snatcher (com.otasnatcher) on Google Play
OTA Snatcher is a root application for all Android devices.What does it do?This uses root access to "Snatch" a copy of your device's OTA Update .ZIP file to your device's storage so you can upload it for others to use, or have a backup copy for yourself. (Remember, sharing is caring.)***PLEASE DISABLE ANY USB MASS STORAGE OR IT WON"T COPY***How can I tell it worked?Use a File Manager or Computer to view your device's storage. Inside the /OTA/ folder on your storage you should find your OTA Update .ZIP file. The name depends on your device's OEM and other factors. What devices will it not work on?This is compatible with all rooted Android devices that use the /cache/ updating system. If your device is unique and does not support the /cache/ updating system, you can compile your own copy, or notify me of the device and I will try to add in support from my end.This app is Open Source! You can compile it yourself from the github below.https://github.com/mattlgroff/OTASnatcher