Fee Calculator for eBay (com.pedepe.EbayRechner) on Google Play
Meanwhile, the eBay fees are more than complex. By factors such as category, type of sale, etc. nearly no seller is able to calculate eBay fees in mind anymore. In addition to that, there are also Paypal fees that make the whole thing much more complicated. To give you an overview of all charges, we have developed the eBay fee calculator for you. You have with just a few clicks all charges at a glance. The app includes four tools for simplifying the fees: 1. Calculation of the balance of the sale price, with drawn eBay and Paypal fees. 2. Calculation of the required selling price to get your desired profit with charges deducted. 3. Calculation of the profit or loss from the purchase and sale price. [Pro] 4. Calculation of the required selling price based on the purchase price and your desired profit. [Pro] In addition, the fee calculator has the unique function profiles. That means you can enter properties that are always the same with you, such as category and shipping costs and they get loaded on opening a tool. This makes the operation easier and faster. The app includes the current eBay and Paypal fees.Features: - 4 different tools 1. Sale price -> Profit 2. Desired profit -> Required selling price 3. Purchase price + Sale price -> Profit / Loss [Pro] 4. Purchase price + Desired profit -> Required selling price [Pro] - Profiles to save default properties, like ordinary category and shipping costs - Current eBay commissions - Considering Paypal fees - Selection of auction / Fixed-Buy and Paypal / Bank Transfer - Optimized for tablets and smartphones Benefits of Pro version: - More tools: 1. Purchase price + Sale price -> Profit / Loss [Pro] 2. Purchase price + Desired profit -> Required selling price [Pro] - 3 profiles - No advertising