WHITEEE - Icon Pack (com.robotobia.icpack.whiteee) on Google Play
WHITEEE - Icon PackWHITEEE icons use rounded rectangle white and black style combined with dark blue pattern for an ultra sleek style. FEATURES• 3200+ HD icons • 100+ HD Wallpapers.• Sony Xperia Z3 HD Wallpapers. • 30 Black HD Wallpapers.• Multi-launcher support• Icon masking• Dynamic calendars.SUPPORTED LAUNCHERS• Nova, Apex, Action, Smart, Aviate, Themer, Next, Atom, KK, Solo, Lucid, Inspire, Nine, ADW, Holo, GO, TSF• XGELS, Unicon, CM11 & CM12 Theme EngineCONTACT USGoogle+: http://plus.google.com/+MohammedFathyAnterTwitter: http://www.twitter.com/MuhammedFathyFacebook: http://www.facebook.com/dev.mfathy