Fake Call ( Escape Call timer) (com.senniksoft.callescapetimer) on Google Play

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Fake call allows you schedule a fake call to get out of awkward situation like boring face-to-face conversation, parties or on-going activities where you are not feeling comfortable. So, by Call escape timer you can easly finishface-to-face conversations or any on-going activities. Fake call may rescue you! and you can save plenty of time !How to use;* choose your calling time or enter it manually.* at the end it will ring default ringtone.* Specify a max time for ringing upto 24 hours.* Then schedule it and then you will get a fake call.Privacy Notice:We do not, nor do we have any desire to, spy on you.We do not collect or store any information about the users of this application. Once you download it, it runs on your phone and never communicates with our servers.DisclaimerPlease use Fake Call app to enjoy more and to respect other !