Deaf Hearing Aid (com.senniksoft.deafhearingaid) on Google Play

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Deaf Hearing Aid app convert Human Voice into text format using Google TTS engine to help deaf people and you can record text files as notepad in your database by their time and thier names. So this Deaf hearing aid will be your eyes and you are able to see what your friends are talking about and give them quick responses. Hence, this hearing aid app will help you when you need help or to understand them. So, This app will assist for conversation between deaf people and hearing people. You can also visit our store for Hearing Aid apps. Thank you for Supporting us !App-Features*Convert Voice into text format*Record as database*Use Google TTS*Assist for conversation between deaf people and hearing people*App uses ads to support developer for future workFuture-Work*Bluetooth Chat will be added.Privacy Notice:We do not, nor do we have any desire to, spy on you.We do not collect or store any information about the users of this application. Once you download it, it runs on your phone and never communicates with our servers.