SMSProxy [ROOT] [Xposed] (com.silentservices.smsproxy) on Google Play
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Note: Your device MUST be rooted and the Xposed Framework must be installed. After installation of this app you must enable the Xposed Module in the Xposed Framework Module sectionSMSProxy enables you to monitor your device for outgoing SMS messages, either text or data messages. All detected SMS are logged into a database and can be reviewed.DescriptionThe app displays all stored messages on startup including timestamp, target number, content (if applicable) and the full PDU. You can then analyze the PDU with external tools like PDUSpy or change the PDU and resend it with HushSMS for example.UsageTo copy a PDU simply click the according row in the listview. To delete a message from the database simply long click the entry in the listview.EnjoyGraphics are from, mainly from user OCAL. Thank you!