Smart Controller (com.sonyericsson.extras.liveware.extension.SmartControl) on Google Play
Smart Controller is an application that allows you to control your Android device with your Sony smartwatch. This application requires root access!Smart Controller uses the Home function, the Back function and the D-Pad navigational functions evaluable in the Android system. This application is intended to remotely navigate and control of your android device (and Apps). This application is not intended for use as a game controller.This application opens up a lot of possibilities for your Android device. Use your imkagination to find your use for this app.Typical use would be to connect your device to a TV. Gain control with Smart controller (on your Smartwatch). Navigate to your favourite Apps. Launch your App and control everything remotely from your couch. (Itís like you have a Google TV with a cool smartwatch as remote ;-)Usage:Swipe- up to generate a D-pad up action on your android deviceSwipe-left to generate a D-pad left action on your android deviceSwipe- down to generate a D-pad down action on your android deviceSwipe- right to generate a D-pad right action on your android devicePress the bottom left corner to generate the Back action on your android devicePress the bottom right corner to generate the Home action on your android devicePress (anywhere) on the upper part corner to generate a select action on your android deviceOptions:Graphical feedback (battery saving modus)Vibration feedbackStatic graphicNotes:Not all application in the Google Play store have full D-Pad support. Just try what applications work best for you (this app is compatible with Android XBMC, plex, youtube app and many, many more apps in the Google PLay store). You need a Sony Smartwatch to use this application. You need a rooted device to use this application. You also need an input-shell installed on your device. I would recommend installing BusyBox if you have a rooted device. If there is enough enthusiasm for this application I will continue development and provide more options, better graphics etc. Thank you for your support. LiveWare™ extension for SmartWatchSmart Connect extension for SmartWatch 2