Hourly Chime for Wear (com.t3hh4xx0r.hourlychime) on Google Play
Miss the hourly buzzes from your Pebble smartwatch? Me too! Hourly Chime for Wear allows you to configure a short vibration at the top of the hour, helping you keep track of your day.Simply install this app on your handset, and it will be synced to your Android Wear device. You can double check that it is installed by going to your google search menu on your Android Wear device, scrolling to the bottom and selecting "Start" and choosing "Hourly Chime" from the list.**PLEASE NOTE**Google has not yet made it possible to detect the mute state - or "Zen Mode" as its referred to in the code - of the Android Wear device. As such, even when your Wear is muted, you will still get your chime. I will of course solve this as soon as Google give us the tools to do so.