ThyrusHolo No Apps CM10 Theme (com.template.theme.ThyrusHoloUIonly) on Google Play
This theme enhances the already well designed JellyBean interface for JB-based ROMs that utilize the CM10 theme engine. I have also utilised some graphics for the ParanoidAndroid mod that adds Tablet-style GUI to the Galaxy Nexus.This theme - User Interface onlyBasic theme - themes UI and MMS/PeopleBlack - the full theme including Keyboard/Swype/MMS/People/Google Play Store/Google Now/Google Music/ Google Keep- Semi-transparent Notification background- Added standard JellyBean statusbar icons (for those that use a themed ROM but do not like the customizations)- No dividers in settings and other sub- and pop-up menus- Black pop-up and settings menusInstallation:Apply theme, then reboot. Reboot is also required after a theme update is installed.Getting"improperly compiled" error?. Set to system theme, reboot, then apply. Missing assets/screen size? Apply anywayFor more details go to