Complete PSB HOAE Study Guide (com.testpreparation.CompletePSB) on Google Play
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Complete interactive APP, prepared by a dedicated team of exam experts, with everything you need to pass the PSB HOAE! Currently the only Health Occupations Aptitude Exam (HOAE) APP in the Android Market! The Complete PSB APP is a comprehensive tool for increasing your score! Covering all PSB/HOAE content areas, Math, Reading Comprehension, Spelling, NonVerbal and Science, this interactive APP is a unique study system designed to get you up to speed fast, and get the best possible score. When you try our self-assessments or practice test questions, and get a wrong answer, you can review, and not only see the correct answer, but a detailed explanation, as well as multiple choice tips and strategies, exam tips from our dedicated team of exam experts! Then, once you have identified your strengths and weaknesses, there are hundreds of pages of tutorials to get you up to speed as quickly as possible. The Health Occupation Aptitude Exam will help you: Learn faster with a fully interactive APP - not just an ebookPractice with 2 complete practice testsLearn fast and in-depth with detailed explanationsSave your practice test and pick up again any timeIdentify your strengths and weaknesses quickly with Self-AssessmentsGet up to speed fast with in-depth tutorials Increase your score with multiple choice strategies from exam expertsYou may find that only a few percentage points separate you from a PASS and a FAIL - Learning multiple choice strategies from our exam experts may just put you over the edge! The Complete PSB also includes free bonus features to help you get the best score possible, including: How to Take a Test - The Complete Guide - Let’s face it: test-taking is really not easy! While some people seem to have the natural ability to know what to study, how to absorb and retain information, and how to stay calm enough while actually taking a test to earn a great score, most of us find taking tests to be sheer misery. This is one of the most important features of the Complete Health Occupations Aptitude Exam APP. Here you will find out:How to Take a Test - The basicsIn the Test Room - What you MUST doThe Ultimate Guide to Test Preparation - Everything you need to knowCommon Mistakes on a Test - And how to avoid themMental Prep - How to psych yourself upHow to Study - The Complete GuideBefore you are ready to take the all-important PSB/HOAE Exam, you have got to know how to study for it. In spite of the fact that you have spent a good many years in school - first elementary, then middle and finally high school - the fact remains that while many teachers do a good job teaching content, few of them actually teach the fine art of studying! Fortunately, we have taken on that task and offer you:What is Concentration & How to ConcentrateMemorizing and Memory Tricks Handling ProcrastinationProductive Study EnvironmentsHow Long Should you Study?Maybe you have read this kind of thing before, and maybe feel you don't need it. Remember though, its only a few percentage points divide the PASS from the FAIL students. Even if our test tips increase your score by a few percentage points, isn't that worth it? Why not do everything you can to get the best score?