Fix Lollipop Memory Leak (com.thetonyp.fixlollipopmemoryleak) on Google Play

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--- This App requires the Xposed Framework! ---This Xposed module will get rid of the infamous Memory Leak plaguing Android 5.0.x.It ensures the ressources claimed by the so called ColorFade screen-on screen-off animation will be properly released.This should help you to reach a higher uptime without the whole device slowing down after a couple hours.While there are other memory leaks in Lollipop this seems to be the most severe one.There's almost exclusively positive feedback on the XDA Support thread for this app!It is completely free, doesn't require any permissions and is fully open source.The module is for Android 5.0, 5.0.1 and 5.0.2, only.Google fixed this particular memory leak in Android 5.1, thus the module disables itself when installed on 5.1.If you have any issues or don't understand the purpose of this module please contact me first before leaving any bad review.SUPPORT: Lollipop Memory Leak That Caused App Crashes Finally Fixed After Over 1750 Stars In Issue Tracker: way to delete GLSL shader? Download App- Activate the module in the Xposed Insaller- Reboot- The module now does its work in the backgroundSOURCE CODE: PLUS: