40 Top Mata Ki Bhetein (com.veecon.fortytopmatakibhetein) on Google Play
Listen & download 40 top Mata songs handpicked only for you to give you a rare collection of Maa Durga Songs from the devotional albums "Aaj Maa Nu Mana Lo", "Chalo Jithey Maa Vasdee", "Maaye Nu Kyu Nahi Boladi", "Mata Ne Bulaya Hai", "Jag Bole Jagdati Maiyya" Sung by Popular Singers "Richa Sharma", "Manoj Tiwari", "Sonu Nigam", "Harbhajan Shera" Produced and Promoted by "VK Srivastava", "JK Srivastava", "Lalit Srivastava" and Veecon Group.Just click on any track to play for FREE or download any track you would like.Also Share Songs on various social networking sites.