Zooper WeatherMusic (com.vladikus.zwskin.weathermusic) on Google Play
This is not a standalone application. Need for functioning Zooper Widget Pro.We need the Zooper Widget v.2.44, Media Utilities and Nova Launcher ( you can use Apex Launcher).In the setting of Nova install desktop 10x10 grid and leave the top bar visible. Else at your discretion .Once you've downloaded and installed the APK add to your desktop Zooper Widget ( does not matter what size the widget you dobavite.V later you will be able to stretch , and the size you want to set the menu item " Zoom" - set "100". ) Click on the widget added and get into the menu where you can see the icon theme installed . Click on it and get the thumbnail menu . Choose. The fact that you have selected appears on the desktop. Set the desired size as described above. All of these actions make with all widgets . Tab with a music player you should use the Media Utilities add a widget to control the player and display album covers . Everything.About all the problems and wishes , please write to e-mail.Thank you!