VUE File Manager (com.vue.filemanager) on Google Play
Vue File Manager is fully featured file management tool for Android, with easy and organized interface design and user-friendly functions. Features Included:* Well-organized home screen with storage status, music folder, download folder, memory card, camera folder, backup folder, process manager, internal memory.* Create new folder and new text file.* Cut, copy, paste, delete, rename, send, email, share, and cancellable progress dialog.* Search and share files.* Compress and decompress support.* Multiple resolution support.* Multi selection for any action.* Add Gesture for particular folder and file for direct access.* Stylish icons for 200+ different file types, toolbar and menu items.* List and grid view for file explorer.* Multiple selections and sorting support.* Thumbnail for photo, pictures and apk files.* Built-in text editor, PDF Viewer and image gallery.* Process manager for displaying running process and user also kill unused process.* Backup Manager for taking backup of all app installed on your mobile.It is optimized for both phone and tablet devices!