"The FachwerkAPP Lite" Timber (com.weever.fachwerk) on Google Play
A must for truss friends! The FachwerkAPP ! Nominated for the IT Innovation Award 2014 ! Digital accompanies the guide on your truss tour throughout Germany . In this version you can find useful information about medieval towns and half-timbered guests leaders of the German Framework Road and find , for example, the closest open-air museum , many half-timbered houses , farm houses and other places of interest in your area .The example of the medieval town of Hann. Munden shows you a complete truss tour. Experience the sights and especially the historic half-timbered houses of the city in words, images or audio guide .Info advance : For the use of the APP an Internet connection is required.We always look forward to positive reviews . If, however, problems , suggestions or criticism occur , you can always contact support : support@fachwerkapp.deThe following content can be found in the app :General:News about the topic truss destinationSocial media initiative truss friendsSelection of half-timbered hotels and historic restaurants in your areaOpen air museums in your areaImportant dates for truss friendsData Library for book recommendations and linksContact forms for feedback, criticism and further adviceGerman Framework Road :Description and social media signals of the German Framework RoadHalf-timbered towns near youDescription of each regional routes with other citiesDirect contact to the tourist information by phone , email or visit websiteOverview map :Half-timbered towns of Fachwerkstraße , the open-air museums in Germany and places of Umgebinde country are displayed at a glanceTimbered tour:A half-timbered tour of Hann. Munden as an example of how you can experience the truss tours of the cities in the full version of FachwerkAPPIn the later following full version you will find information about additional truss tours, special cycling routes between the medieval towns , historic hotels and restaurants.If you have an interesting half-timbered house , insider tips for truss friends , half-timbered hotel and Co found and these are not listed in the FachwerkAPP , you can report this directly using the contact forms contained .Have fun with our FachwerkAPP