Count Down To Day (com.widgets.tecsploit.countdowntoday) on Google Play
This app lets you pick an important date and display the number of days until the it on your Sony Smartwatch 2. The app adds a new widget called 'Count Down To Day' which you can place anywhere on you watch face with a custom message. The text and background color are configurable.Maybe you want to know how many days it is until Christmas, Or until an important birthday? Or maybe you have an important deadline you want to stay on top of. This simple app will allow you to easily see how many days you have left!In order to use the application you must have a Sony Smartwatch 2, and the Smart Connect App. Once downloaded the application will not appear on your phone / tablet, it is available from within the Sony Smart Connect App. You can find it listed under the installed applications, where you can configure: - Event Name - Target Date - Text Color - Set Background Color (whether to display a background color on the widget) - Background Color, the background color to use if you select the above option.Once configured go to your watch face and edit it, select widgets and find 'Count Down t....' this will add a 5 x 1 widget to your watch face.Smart Connect extension for SmartWatch 2