Installed Apps Rolodex (com.wildroid.apps.rolodex) on Google Play

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Installed Apps Rolodex is a free useful app. It allows you to browse the installed apps by scrolling through alphabetically sorted list. You can launch the App when you tap the rolodex card and you can search for an app using the search field. Long-tap the App rolodex card to uninstall apps, pin app shortcut to HOME screen or share Apps with others (provides subject and message with App name and link to Google Play store). The Apps list updates automatically as you type in the App name in the search field.Enjoy this Free App from - The Paid App allows you to search by app name in addition to keyword search and analyze apps installed on your device in detail including last accessed date, certificates, running services and much more... Also, the paid app rolodex includes App Widgets and Settings Apps as well.Finally: We encourage our users to contact us via email to discuss any concerns or suggestions regarding the app, if any. We cannot address review comments due to the fact that most negative comments that are left without prior contact with the developer are placed with the intent to lower app ratings and misguide the consumer.Copyright 2012