Pieces for Kids (com.wma.pieces4kids) on Google Play
Pieces for Kids is a great education tool for children and it is designed to assemble the pieces to form the things they love. Organized into the categories ;Toys they love , Sport they want to play, Lovely Town they will observe , Items around in the house, and finally alphabet and numbers. It will fascinate young players and help them dexterity, colour recognition, memory , imagination and logic, all while having fun! Preinstalled 120+ Projects to motivate for your child and categorise into: [Transportation, to observe and learn ] SchoolBus,Train, Truck, Plane, FireEngine, Taxi, Space Ship, Submarine, etc. [Toys,to play and care ] Panda, Guitar, Toy Bird, Robot, Piano, Kite, Camera, Toy Snake, etc.. [Lovely Home, to observe and be familiar with] Flower Pot, Telephone, Stairs, Teapot, Fan, Cabinet, Table Lamp, Bird Cage,etc. [Lovely Town, to observe and be familiar with] Traffic Light, Bridge, City Hall, Church, Bus Stop, Factory, Mountain, Park, Station , etc. [Letters, to study and learn passionately] A to Z Alphabet with illustration. [Number, to study and learn easily] One to fourteen , number with illustration. [Motion Pictures, to motivate visualization and colour imagination] Giant Robot, Hammer, ToyPic, iBoy, Alien, Little Orge, Jelly Alien, Train Front, Bat Man , etc. [Activities, to play and be interested in spot] Badminton, Soccer, Cycling, Acrobatic, Surfing, Weight Lifting, See-Saw, Slide and swing, etc.. Finally, it has the great feedback system for young players, giving always 3 stars , and so sure they want to collect as much as they can , one after another ! Pieces 4 kids is a life time app to be updated with more categories and items to suit for all kind of best things for the children. Have a great time !