Child Sketch (com.zerones.childsketch) on Google Play

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Child Sketch has a many practice sketch to learn how to draw a sketch from start.It will help you to get idea about how can you start a drawing a sketch and then complete it beautifully.You can also make your sketch colorful as you want by using color tools and make sketch as colorful as you want.You can do all the usual canvas or free layer manipulation such as draw, brush drawing, erase, draw shapes, save to phone and more.You can set store of your pencil , color tool.The app includes:★ Sketch your object.★ It will show how to practice sketch.★ Help to improve your sketching skill.★ You can put color on your sketch.★ It has rubber tools for clean up if you made any mistake.★ You can Save the sketch that you have designed.★ Many sketching objects for drawing.So This application is a total pack of improving your’s and your child’s sketching skill and give your children fun with learning how to draw.