HowGiveLolli (de.defim.apk.howgivelolli) on Google Play
Stops shouting for a Lolli.THIS MODULE PREVENTS LOLLIPOP FROM USING UPCASE EVERYWHERE, LIKE NOTIFICATION ACTIONS, DIALOGS AND BUTTONS. I DON'T LIKE IT AND THINK IT WAS A BAD DECISION.Additional it is also annoying to have a 7" display, but the dialog buttons are shrinked now. Most time there is just a JA, NO, OK or GO - and you have to hit it. I'm not a monster, but my fingers are larger than of a 10 year old child.So this module also uses for these buttons the whole width of the dialogs, like it was previously. You could set the position for a the text of 1 button dialogs to center or default position by open the module. Initial its random so you could check what's more suitable for you.Only compatible with AOSP Lollipop!IMPORTANTYour device has to be rooted to install the required X-posed framework: