ViewPasswords (de.defim.apk.viewpasswords) on Google Play

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Annoyed you could not see what you are typing in password fields? Try this module!The password fields are no longer obscured with asterisks (*). You could configure it per app. The app supports 2 modues: All apps are revealed except the selected or only the selected.The modules could be enabled/disabled by Tasker, maybe depending ony your location.Note: Only default Android fields are supported. thes means no eg browser..This app requires a donator-app! Free but without GUI? -> Look for HideNoPasswordsDonator: * No self-promotion in the app. * Unlimited amount of apps could be selected. * The module could be enabled/disabled by Tasker. * You support this app and further development! IMPORTANTYour device has to be rooted to install the required X-posed framework: & Features: