Alcohol-Tester (de.evolutionapps.alkoholtester) on Google Play
The alcohol tester is an app to determine the blood alcohol content in an easy way. This is ermöglichst by a scientifically proven method, by your reaction time in the drunken state is determined and set in relation to your reaction time in the fasted state. Here is a prior calibration is necessary so that the app knows how your reaction time is usually (in the fasting state). This method is of course not as accurate as a real alcohol tester, however, is the result, the real one unit, very close and thus gives you a good indication. The app offers an optional a login with Facebook. That way you can share with your friends and compare your test result. Features: - Alcohol Test (scientifically proven!) By reaction time - Calibration in the fasting state - Weekly, monthly and annual statistics of your test results - Share your results on Facebook with your friends (optional) - Vibration feedback (optional) Note: The mentioned parts per thousand value has no legal significance!