Space Trader: Alpha Universe (de.infinitycoderz.AlphaUniverseTraderSilver) on Google Play
We are actively developing new features to further improve the game.As a space trader you can freely travel to any planet and trade with goods.There are planets with big amounts of a single ressource like oil.Buying and delivering these ressources to a factory planet will make the production of Fuel with your oilpossible which is needed for all spaceships.If you economize well you can claim planets and manage then yourself.Additionally you can colonize new planets and build production facilities yourself.There are also dangers too look out for!Pirates and bandits want to plunder and destroy your spaceships.You can repair damaged ships at a planet with a space hangar.All features are added largely for free. You can support the projekt with buying the gold edition.Basic Features:+ all planets and resources+ all buildings+ build spaceships+ claim new planets+ Spaceship autopilot *new* -> transport resources between two of your planets+ full playable game