Device Info (de.lhoer0.deviceinfo) on Google Play
Device Info provides you all important information about your android device.Get information about your System, the Telephony, your SIM-Card, your Battery-State and your WIFI-Connection.With this app you have instant access to all following information:System Information:- Android Version- Admob ID- Model- Manufracturer- CPU- Board- Display- RAM-UsageTelephony Information:- Device ID- Own Telephonenumber- Phone Type- Network Type- Network ISO- Network Operator- Network Operator NameBattery Information:- Level- State- Voltage- Temperature- Health- Technology- Power SourceSIM Information:- State- Serial Number- Country ISO- Operator Code- Operator Name- IMSI- Voice Mail Tag- Voice Mail NumberWIFI Information:- State- IP-Address- MAC-Address- SSID- BSSID- Signal Level- Link Speed