LoL Know Your Enemy (de.lhoer0.lolknowyourenemys) on Google Play
With this app you get quick and easy information about a summoner in Leage of Legends.Simply type in the summoner name and the server he's playing on and you get all important information within seconds.Add summoners to your favourites to get a fast and easy access to thier data.See on which lane a summoner has played within the last 7 days.Get the most played champ with win and losses about a summoner.This app is working with all League of Legends servers:With one click you can go to the profile of this summoner to get even more information.Access to following information:- summonername- level- server- division- ranked wins- ranked losses- ranked Kill/Death/Assist - ratio- Rating- Most played champs - Wins/Losses- Lane statistics - Wins/Lossestags: league_of_legends, LeagueOfLegends, LoL, Rating, Division, League, Summoner, Profile, Lolking, Stats, statistics