Circle Weather (de.wrapware.circleweather) on Google Play
Circle weather shows you the current weather as widget and the forcast values in the CircleLauncher known style. If you are looking for a stylish, clean, and quick weather application, here it is! There are a lot of configuration possiblities to fit the widget to your needs. Enjoy.New in 2.0.1: ==========REAL Temperature measurement based on your phone.!!(currently only the Samsung Galaxy S4 and S5 device has a real temperatur sensor).The telephone build-in temperatur sensor deliver the particular temperatur value. This measurement happens in a configurable intervall and is very easy to use.Hints:- Tap widget to expand forcast view - Tap widget long INTO THE CENTER OF THE EXPANDED FORCAST VIEW to enter configuration view ( if pressing simply long to the widget on the homescreen, the normal move option apprears )- Allows ofcource multiple city widgets- To add the widget to the homescreen, press long on the homescreen -> Add widget-> CircleWeather