SubCell (dk.audux.subcellconcert) on Google Play
Imagine your favorite artist playing a concert on the other side of the world and you can't go!Imagine that the concert of your dreams is sold out and you can't get a ticket! Now you can buy a ticket and listen to the show after all! SubCell is the solution that we have all been waiting for. And now it is finally here! SubCell lets you listen to live audio of great/high quality from concerts and all other live events. Buy a ticket for the next concert with your favourite artist, the next speach of your favourite politician or public speaker, the next show of your favourite standup comedian. Anyone can stream their sound and everyone can buy a ticket to listen in. SubCell is free for everyone to download. It's free for artists to stream their music or any other kind of live event. Fans pay a small fee for the ticket and can then listen to the show of their wish. SubCell is easy to use for everyone.