Cloudy shopping list VIP (dusshes.cloudyshoppingvip) on Google Play

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Your shopping list is stored in the cloud. All members of Your family at the same time work with him. The wife can add items to the list, and husband at the same time makes the purchase.Features:- user-friendly interface, the keyboard is practically not used;- working together with a single list of all family members;- notification to family members about what you need to buy, even when turned off, the program;- shopping lists can be many, but to create a list manually is not necessary;- not purchased goods slide in the following list;- in every store the list is sorted in accordance with the display of goods;- the shopping list in Russian and in English.To call on the phone while driving is not comfortable, and the main thing is dangerous. But is this going to no stop this breadwinner? Therefore, every day, on the way home from work, we are risking their lives to boldly ask the tube, "Honey, what to buy?". And then, holding the steering wheel in his knee, write the information on a piece of paper, thank God found in his pocket.But you can do it differently.No need to call or to write anything down. We can immediately go to the store. The shopping list is already in Your personal Cloud.Everything is simple.Just connect to the same Cloud with different devices to gain simultaneous access to a shopping list.You always know what to buy, and "Expensive" knows that from the list You already bought.