Learning English By Image (education.englishforeveryone.vocabulary) on Google Play
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***** Learning English By Image *****Anyone with a strong desire to master the English language should first focus on learning English Vocabulary. Numerous studies have revealed the benefits of this kind of approach to learning, since the ability to learn English Vocabulary is the most natural way to become exposed to the many nuances of English . Get 106 lessons to help you strengthen your English vocabulary with ease. All lessons are subdivided into common categories (people, housing, work/occupation, transport, health, clothes and fashion, sports, animal, food, ... ). +Each topic relates to a specific field and is described by image that help people feel interesting and easy to remember. +Three main functions of this part: - Lesson studying: firstly you choose a lesson to study; there are 2 ways to view the lesson: + View by list: you click on each row to listen word and read follow voice and meaning. + View by slice show: program will automatic display image and read word for you. - Lesson testing: after you finish study lesson, you can go to do test, program will read the word and you have to choose the correct image with voice and word’s meaning. After finish testing, a statistic will display your result. - Lesson playing: program will read word and display image of word; you will re-arrange the letters into correct position to build correct word, if it is difficult for you, press hint to help.If you thing this app is useful. Please help us to rate, like and share my facebook:https://www.facebook.com/mobileLifeApp