SmartWatch 2 SmartCheater (fr.eskan.smartwatch2.smartcheater) on Google Play
This application is design for SmartWatch 2 and allows to read texts on your watch previously entered on the phone or tablet which is connected to the SmartWatch 2. You can copy up to 6 different text.The display is black on white or white on black.An "emergency" mode is intended to disable the reading text on the watch. If you get caught!Commands:- On the main screen select the text you want to view.- On screen text display: - Swipe Up/Down to page Up/DownIf you see a smiley displaying a text is that the "emergency" is enabled. Visit settings to restore.If you get caught activate it from the phone or turn off the bluetooth!Note you need to have a Sony SmartWatch 2™ to be able to use this app. This application will not be shown in your phone application screen. Access application settings via LiveWare™ manager.