museItalia - Museums in Italy (it.madwebs.museitalia) on Google Play
museItalia is an Android app designed to discover cultural places in Italy.The app includes over than 11000 cultural structures in the following categories: • museums, galleries not for profit and / or collection • archeological areas • libraries • church or place of worship • archives • villas or buildings of historic or artistic interest • parks or gardens of historic or artistic interest • archaeological parks • fortified architectures • monuments of industrial archeology • civil architectures • funerary monuments • monuments • othersDiscover places on the map to visualize your surroundings or in a list layout with free text search.In the museum detail you can have a closer look to our stunning photo galleries and read the complete description of the place with detailed information about opening hours, weekly closings, prices, reductions and more. With a tap you can phone, e-mail or visit the web site of the structure. museItalia displays all the italian culture structures including the following cities: • Rome • Florence • Venice • Milan • Turin • Genoa • Bologna • Naples • Palermo • Trieste • Perugia • SienaData are fetched from the Open Data of the Italian Ministry of Culture that periodically update and maintain the database.