Your Time, Record for now. ( on Google Play

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Have you ever want to record the time when a little? Such, Please use it when you want to record the time now. It also displays the difference between the time elapsed from the time the notice is also recorded in the last minute. In addition, you can record automatically, when・Package is added.・Package is removed.・the device is unlocked.・Attaching the external power supply.・Removing the external power supply.・indicating low battery condition on the device.・the device is being shut down. · Application form widget so, please select the widget after installation. Display results 1 - The newest. - "icon" by pressing the button to update the note. - "Record (watch)" by pressing the button "now time" to record. List screen appears press and other places • The widget. · Recording View the list was. - "Record (watch)" by pressing the button "now time" to record. - "Cross over" to delete the record by pressing a button. • The menu "Setting" can change the various settings. • The "Delete all" you can delete all records.