VoiceWeather (jp.gr.java_conf.matchama.VoiceWeather) on Google Play

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VoiceWeather tells the weather information with voice.Current weather information or a weather forecast will be spoken when you tap on the application widgets on the screen.In addition, 'current weather' or 'a weather forecast' will be spoken on the scheduled time by timer schedule feature.The weather information is provided by openweathermap ( http://openweathermap.org/ ).[Notes](1) The voice is Japanese only.(2) In Japanese locale, the weather information is converted from English from openweathermap.(3) Displayed weather information and spoken voice can be different because of lack of voice material. (example : display 'Yowai ame' → voice 'Ame' )(4) When the CPU is busy, the voice/sound might be interrupted.[Special thanks]※Voice material have been supported by Ms.Amitaro.[http://www14.big.or.jp/~amiami/happy/]