SSID Widget (jp.rallewll.siriuth.ssidwidget) on Google Play
This is a widget that displays the SSID on the Home screen.(The old version is "Disp SSID Widget".)Already or perched display of widgets that are displayed when an update, please try the following: If you have an error.-Please re-set after turning off the widget from the screen.-Please try to install again by performing the uninstall.[How to use]Please add a widget to the home screen.Please use WidgetSettings If you want to change the color. you are not if displayed in the list of widgets, please rotate the screen(or restert android).[Using permissions]ACCESS_WIFI_STATE : for get SSID.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE : for get SSID change signal.[History]2015/06/05 bugfix : update display at connection change. change update process. delete "CHECK_LICENSE" uses-permission.2015/05/10 WidgetSettings support.2015/04/15 Change connection state(only wifi).2015/03/27 Change unconnected state timing. Build with SDK 22.2015/03/22 Change of implementation.Additional display situation.Change the color of the time of the unconnected state.2015/02/20 display will be gray when not connected.2015/02/12 Change application name. fixed a bug that does not update the WIFI at the time off.2015/02/09 Change service name. modified the initialization code and some code.2015/02/01 Clean and rebuild.2015/02/01 Bug fixes and optimizations.2015/01/31 It is open the setting screen of Wifi when you tap the widget.