CPU Powerkeeper for Tether (jp.rallwell.siriuth.cpupktether) on Google Play
Sleep to communication in tethering you to not become unstable.To use requires tethering feature on your smartphone or tablet.Because the paid version of this app does not require a wasteful communication other than the license check.I looks like this app is wasting extremely power. Surely it will deplete the battery compared with sleep mode. But it does not de difference of power consumption without having to use the app.[How to use]1.open main activity.(After a new installation, it is required issues for operating the app.)2.start Pocket Wi-Fi or Bluetooth tethering etc.When tethering is started, automatically CPU is wake lock.When tethering is finished, automatically wake lock the CPU is released.If you do not want to automatically actuated, manually can also wake lock the CPU from the setting screen.But, you can use the "CPU Power Keeper" of the free version if manually.[Using permissions]com.android.vending.CHECK_LICENSE : It is used to perform a license check.android.permission.WAKE_LOCK : It is used to perform a wake lock the CPU.android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE : It is used to check the status of tethering.android.permission.VIBRATE : It is used when the license check fails.android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED : It is start wifi and bluetooth tethering at boot.android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE : It is start wifi tethering at boot.android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE : It is start wifi tethering at boot.android.permission.BLUETOOTH : It is start bluetooth tethering at boot.android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN : It is start bluetooth tethering at boot.[History]2015/04/28 0.1.9 Append start wifi and bluetooth tethering at boot.2015/04/14 Open release.2015/04/13 0.1.8 Change recive intent.2015/04/03 0.1.1 Beta release.