Star Live Wallpaper (jp.rallwell.siriuth.starlivewallpaper) on Google Play
LiveWallpaper[How to use]Please set of live wallpaper, such as launcher.Please set again from when it is no longer displayed during re-installation by setting the once another wallpaper.[Using permissions]None[History]2015/09/06 Added 2k version. Minor code modifications. Change label.2015/04/02 0.2.5 Minor code(?) modifications.2015/04/01 0.2.4 Minor code modifications.2015/03/31 0.2.3 Minor code modifications.2015/03/13 0.2.2 Rebuild with SDK 22. Minor code modifications.2015/03/08 0.2.1 I have modified the display of the preview. I was corrected by reviewing the process.2015/03/08 0.2.0 Responding to scroll. Change initial value(I was the amount of point increase from 500 to 600). Optimization of drawing logic.2015/03/07 0.1.3 Change initial value. Optimization of drawing logic.2015/03/05 0.1.2 Change initial value, dot size, max speed2015/03/05 0.1.1 Change initial value2015/03/04 0.1 Release