Flick Screen Off (jp.skr.imxs.flickscreenoff) on Google Play
Flick Screen Off gives you the way to turn off the display smartly.It is not necessary to press power button or home button. Simply flick lightly toward the inside from the outside of the display, you can turn off the display.There is also a function of the edge of the screen display shiny animation in response to flick operation. You can choose color of animation from eight colors, and you can disabled animation.Also you can select the areas to detect the flick operation from 6 areas.Flick would react if accidentally during the operation other apps, you can also adjust the sensitivity. Please try free trial version to confirm whether this app work correctly on your device first.※ Trial version has no Internet access permission and ads, so please try it easily.http://www.imxs.skr.jp/googleplay?id=jp.skr.imxs.flickscreenoff.trial"> Flick Screen Off Trial [Note]- This app has been placed (detection area) a small transparent window to the edge of the screen to flick detects the operation. As a result, while you will not hear in some areas tap operation, because the detection area can be temporarily disabled with a single tap, you might not be able to manipulate other apps are not available.- If you want to uninstall this app you need to disable the device administrator in advance (you can manipulate on this app). [About permissions]Permission to be used by this application are as follows.- android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW In order to place the view on the system layer to detect the operation flick- android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED To enable the feature automatically when you start terminal- android.permission.DISABLE_KEYGUARD In order to prevent displaying keyguard after flick in some models. (Added in v1.2.0).- android.permission.VIBRATE To vibrate a terminal with flick operation. (Added in v1.3.0) Questions, requests thank you e-mail addressed to developers that are registered in the information.