Statistics for lingolongo:
- 91 % of developers have less apps
- 8 % of developers have more apps
Match Up (wagner.rainer.apps.memory)
Brain trainer arithmetics demo (wagner.rainer.apps.mindmasterlight)
Brain trainer arithmetics (wagner.rainer.apps.mindmasterfull)
Crazy Washing Machine (wagner.rainer.apps.washingmachine)
Shark Attack Demo (wagner.rainer.apps.sharkattacklight)
Shark Attack (wagner.rainer.apps.sharkattack)
Chain Reaction Demo (wagner.rainer.apps.ChainReactionLite)
Chain Reaction (wagner.rainer.apps.ChainReaction)
Match Up Lite (wagner.rainer.apps.memorylite)
Tiny world and toon camera (wagner.rainer.apps.tinytooncam)
Crazy weather camera (wagner.rainer.apps.weathercam)
This developer has not indicated employment status yet.