MultiTimer Free (org.catfantom.multitimerfree) on Google Play

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Multiple timers can be started all at once or separately and run concurrently. Very useful in many situations, such as cooking, sports, games and etc.Each timer can have different name and reusable many times. Also, different alarm sound and length, vibration on/ off for each timer.The application doesn't need to be running foreground. Once timers start, the application wakes up from background even after rebooting when time to alarm comes. The main functions are as follows- Up to 60 timers can be created- Support 20 color themes (Possible to change color of individual parts as well)- Timers are active even after phone reboot- Display expected end time and notify- Application setting and timer import/ export- Notify when timers end- End timer records (Max 5,000 records)- Expending time of active timers easily (by quick menu, single tap and double taps)- Display elapsed time- Manual sort or real time auto sorting- Support Cloud backup so that setting and timers will be recovered upon device change.- Three different sizes of fonts and button are selectable.- No advertisements for the paid versionAnd more