Countdown - Free (org.itsbsmaihoefer.countmefree) on Google Play
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CountDown - CountUp - CountMe - Free*This Free-Version ist limited to 3 Countdowns*Get CountDown + Widget here, and add unlimited number of countdowns: long until a well-deserved holiday, Christmas, Easter - or whenever there's the first pension? Since when I'm happily in love, engaged, married or even divorced? CountMe shows it. With CountMe you have all your countdowns and Countups always there. Read in advance as you can use the app and off you go …✔ Create a new count:• choose "new" from main-menu✔ Count delete / edit:• press the count in the main view for one second• choose "edit"-option from main-menu in the detail view✔ Browse Countdowns:• wipe from right to left or from left to right✔ Share Countdown:• Choose Facebook, Google+ or Twitter from the mainmenu in the detailview of the countdown you want to share with your friends.✔ message center (Notification Center):• The "message center" will report, if a countdown expired.So you always know it.Your Countdown-App - CountDown - CountUp - CountMe - Free