Interval Timer - Workout Timer (org.tabata.tabatatimer_lite) on Google Play

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Interval timer is designed for any kind of interval training. All the values are configurable so it can be used in other interval training methods such as tabata , hiit , boxing or sprint training. Interval training will help you to get in better shape and increase your vo2max levels. Test have showed that interval training is better for fat loss than normal cardio.Features:- Easy to setup- Big timer interface- Install to SD- The timer remembers the settings last used and uses them as a default for the next training session.- Color coding for preparation, work and rest periods.- Beebing sound between work and rest periods. Beep volume is controlled by your phones media volume control.Permissions:WAKE_LOCK = Keep the screen on while working outINTERNET = for AdvertisementsACCESS_NETWORK_STATE = for AdvertisementsREAD_PHONE_STATE = for AdvertisementsACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION = AdvertisementsACCESS_FINE_LOCATION = Advertisements*** GET THE PRO-VERSION FROM ***** If you like this application, please give it a favorable review. If you DO NOT like it, please send me an email how to improve the program. All improvement ideas are taken to consideration ***All bugs and improvement ideas can be sent to qthrasherq@gmail.comOr at the facebook page