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Expense Manager (psv.apps.expmanager) on Google Play
Features:1. Register of expense, income, transfer transactions.2. Display totals for expenses and incomes for the current day, week or month.3. Keeping the dictionary of accounts with balance.4. Keeping the dictionary category of expense and income whith group.5. Create dynamic reports with the ability to save.6. Password protection (AdsFree).7. A widget that shows the current balance on selected accounts (AdsFree).8. Backup and restore data.9. Export operations in Excel (.csv) (AdsFree).10. Scheduled/repeated operations with notifications (AdsFree).11. Keep tracking budgets.*This app allows you to keep track of personal spending and income, and generate reports in different sections and time periods. The program has the ability to export and import data from transactions and dictionaries on to the flash card.*The first tab display totals for expenses and incomes for the current day, week or month* The second tab lists available operations. There are three types of operations: expense, income and money transfer. * Expense is the operation in which money is debited from the selected source and recorded on spending category (for example, Cash -> Breakfast, Card VISA -> Electricity). Category for consumption must be in the category group of type "Expense". * Income is the operation in which money is added to the account of the source-categories of income (eg. salary -> Card VISA). Category-source income should be located in the category group of type "Income". * Money transfer is an operation in which the money are transferred from one account to another (for non-compliance currencies a conversion rate can be used).