Call reminder (ru.korovichev.callmeplus) on Google Play

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Smart call reminder gently reminds when it is time to call your friends, parents or business contacts!Pick only those contacts whom you want to contact or be contacted by regularly. Then set up a period of time for each. Every day Smart call reminder analyzes your call history for all incoming and outgoing calls. If it finds out that you didn’t reach any of contacts from the list in that period of time, you will get reminder to call. In one tap you can place a call and talk.Smart call reminder is the right choice for those, who: • need a reminder to call parents • forgets to call and keep in touch with friends • is doing business and wants to contact partners or clients regularlyEveryday life is full of tasks and we often do not notice how days go by. As a result, we forget to call someone we love but who is far away. Or may be we can lose contact with a friend who is busy at work as you are. The problem is that we need a simple reminder to call. That is not hard to call, but we just forget to do it.You decide who is in the list which is monitored by Smart call reminder. You decide when you would like to be notified and get reminder (morning, day, night, any time). After initial setup everything happens automatically. You will get reminders only for those contacts whom you really not contacted.Smart call reminder - is your true assistant in getting touch with those whom you love and those who matter for your business. Try it today for free!