Gmail Notes for SmartWatch (ru.shuisky.gmailnotes) on Google Play
This application allows you to synchronize your notes from Gmail with SmartWatch (30 newest notes) with the ability to access them even without a bluetooth connection with the phone. Gmail Notes you can create in any convenient application, there are applications for Android, Mac OS, Windows...So you do not need to have a variety of different programs on different platforms to create notes and constantly sync them with each other. All your notes are stored in one convenient place - Gmail.In order to save battery, there is no auto-sync between Gmail and SmartWatch. So after creating a new note or updating the existing, "Refresh" notes in the program settings.How To Create & Save Notes In Gmail: Connect bug: If you do not see this app in the list of programs inside Smart Connect, go to Settings->Apps and 'Clear data' of 'Smart Connect' and 'SmartWatch 2' apps.If you find any bugs or you have any suggestions, please email me at in order to correct or implement it.Smart extension for SmartWatch 2Smart Connect extension for SmartWatch 2 productivity