Where Am I for SmartWatch (se.vaggan.whereami) on Google Play

WhoIs for 'vaggan.se'

Where Am I for SmartWatch.Only working with Sony SmartWatch and Sony SmartWatch 2.If you have problems, send me an E-Mail so I can help and fix them.No map go to settings.In this version you can do:SmartWatch2:* Zoom In = + Button.* Zoom Out = - Button.* Change MapView = Menu Buttton.* Change Textmode = Touch the street text.* Move Map = Swipe Up/Down/Left/Right.* Reset position and zoom = Back Button.* Reset all = Long touch.* NEW: Add and Remove Marker = Menu Button. Now can you add markers (up to 100) to remember places on map; where are my car, where are my hotel...SmartWatch 1:* Zoom In = + Button.* Zoom Out = - Button.* Change MapView = V Buttton.* Change Textmode = Touch the street text.* Move Map = Swipe Up/Down/Left/Right.* Reset position and zoom = R Button.* Reset all = Long touch.and more coming soon...map, watch, find, street, positionThis App is designed for the Sony SmartWatch 1 and 2.Smart Connect extension for SmartWatch 2LiveWare extension for SmartWatch 2LiveWare extension for SmartWatchLiveWare™ extension for SmartWatch